Jumat, 31 Juli 2015
Know What to Expect From Mesothelioma Attorneys
Mesothelioma is a fatal and aggressive cancer of the lungs, the tissue around the heart, and in the stomach lining. This type of cancer is most often caused by exposure to the toxic material asbestos, and will occur after years of treatment for lung damage effects such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and even other forms of lung cancer. once Mesothelioma has been diagnosed, the affected person usually has a limited lifespan available to them. They may decide, after the evidence is developed to show that they have been exposed to asbestos that their only option is to sue the people responsible.
This is where talking to Mesothelioma lawyers at an early stage can be vital. These lawyers are class-action Attorneys who are already experienced in dealing with clients who have Mesothelioma cancer. Because this disease is so fatal and intrusive, it is important that not only the sufferer, but also his family and loved ones be involved in talking to the Mesothelioma Attorneys. This can help to establish the claim by ensuring that the lawyer understands the dependency of everyone upon the sufferer, and what their death will mean to the family.
The Mesothelioma lawyers may decide that their only choice is a personal action suit, in which case they may act as a personal injury lawyer for the length of the case. The situation is sometimes confused by the actions of big companies, who may go to any lengths to conceal their knowledge of asbestos work. In this case, the Mesothelioma Attorneys must be ready to prosecute the company as much as possible, pursuing them through the courts in order to find out the truth about your condition. This may take longer, but the results could mean the difference between winning and losing your personal suit.
only Mesothelioma Attorneys have the necessary qualifications and experience to be able to sort out your legal position, and they can also bring sympathy and compassion for the sufferers in either a class action or a personal suit. These Mesothelioma lawyers will need to have suitable connections in the legal and scientific professions too, in order to establish your case and see that it has the right legal petitions and proofs required to take the case to court. Whether you win or lose may depend upon how intensely your company decides to resist the claim, and how many years have elapsed since you were exposed to the asbestos, since the ability to prove claims can weaken over time.
Modifikasi Tampilan Motor Yamaha R15 2014
Nahh bagaimana yang paling akhir menggunakan sticker cutting tampilan wajah jadi lebih garang. Warna hitam dop sticker merk oracal tahan panas dimana silahkan bisa jadi inspirasi untuk sobat yg cari modif simple dan tentunya tampil keren dan lebih garang. Semiga bermanfaat dan memberikan inspirasi terbaru untuk modifikasi motor R15 yang keren...Oke silahkan buat sobat yg sukan dan udah beli motor R14 dari Yamaha keren dengan harga murah dan terjangkau dengan fairing ala motor sport ini tampil garang langsung melesat menjadi faforit untuk motor kelas 150cc...
Nah sobat kita punya disini modifikasi yg udah kita kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber internet dimana masih sedikit sobat sobat kita yang share mengenai modifikasi yamah R15 v2 nahhh silahkan.
Dan tentunya bisa memberikan inspirasi dalam memodifikasi R15 punya sendiri dengan tampilan yg lebih berbeda.
Modifikasi Yamaha New V-ixion Lightning ala Yamaha YZF-R6 2014
Mercedes Tops List of Stolen Luxury Vehicles
Of the models analyzed, the Mercedes C-Class had the most thefts reported, followed by the BMW 3-Series, Infiniti G, E-Class and Cadillac CTS. The BMW 5-Series, Lincoln MKZ, Acura TSX, Lexus IS and S-Class round out the list of the top 10 most stolen luxury cars. The Detroit News points out that Mercedes-Benz sells more C-Class coupes and sedans than any other model. The automaker sold 7,639 C-Class models in June. In comparison, BMW sold 10,957 3-Series models, while Infiniti and Cadillac sold 4,730 G37 and 2,416 CTS models, respectively. “Mercedes has been around forever,” says Frank Scafidi, spokesman for NICB, in a phone interview with The Detroit News. “It’s really the car. They sell a lot of them.”
Certain areas of the country are also more prone to luxury vehicle thefts. NICB reports that the New York City area (including northern New Jersey and Long Island) had the most thefts with 806 incidents reported. Los Angeles and Miami came in second and third, with 491 and 452 thefts, respectively. Detroit, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Diego follow as the metropolitan areas with the highest rates of luxury vehicle thefts.
Of the 4,384 vehicles stolen, NICB reports that almost 84 percent were recovered, which leaves 713 luxury cars that were never found. Kicking Tires writes, “Least-recovered among those was the Infiniti G series (83 unrecovered), followed by the Mercedes-Benz E-Class (80) and C-Class (78).”
While NICB says that status and high prices make luxury cars susceptible to theft, a recent report by the Highway Loss Data Loss Institute indicates that other vehicles have a higher incidence of insurance theft claims. HLDI finds that the Ford F-250 has more theft claims than any other vehicle, with six times the average rate for all vehicles. Vehicles with the lowest claims include the Dodge Journey, Volkswagen Tiguan, Audi A4 and Acura RDX.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2015
Joki wanita dalam ajang Drag bike benar-benar menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi kalangan pencinta balap....karna hal ini dapat menambah suasana baru dalam ajang-ajang yang berlangsung saat ini.....wajar saja...karna dulu pada umumnya joki drag bike hanya di dominasi oleh Kaum-kaum Pria yang hanya tergambar kesan gantel / pemberani , macho dll..
Namun suasana itu kian hari mulai berganti...dengan hadirnya joki-joki Wanita yang makin menambah suasana atmosfirnya makin bergairah....yang bisa menjadi ajang unjuk GIGI bagi joki-joki prianya terhadap joki wanita.....(iya dong sekalian Mejeng gitu loh....hehehe...)
Banyak prestasi yang di dapat dari tangan handal dari mekanik yang satu ini...beberapa di antaranya :
- Juara 1 Matik FFA Drag Bike Brigift Bandung 2011
- Juara 2 Matik 200cc Drag Bike Brigift Bandung 2011
- Juara 2 Matik 200cc Achiles Bandung 2011
- Juara 3 155cc 2 tak Drag Bike Brigift Bandung 2015
Ga salah deh sabrina pilih team Shit The grid sebagai partner teamnya...karna prestasinnya sudah tidak usah di ragukan lagi
walau pun saat ini doi sibuk sebagai mahasiswi...sabrina bertekad untuk membangun kembali motivasinya kembali yang dulu sempat tersendat...dan sabrina pun ingin membuktikan bahwa joki perempuan pun bisa membawa motor drag dan tidak kalah dengan kaum pria...(Gile...... anak muda perempuan jaman sekarang hebat-hebat....salut)....Sukses terus buat SABRINA dan SHIT THE GRID semoga menjadi inspirasi buat teman-teman Team lainya...
Nama : Sabrina Sameh Muhammed Abdel Fateh (Sabrinaoktane #126 SHIT THE GRID)
Alamat : komplek Bumi Kiara 4 Bandung
TTL : Jakarta 26 Agustus 1994
Hobby : Main dan Baca Buku
Prestasi Lainya:
- Juara 1 Miss IMS
- Juara 1 Miss Polytron
Nama : Muhammad Fauzi ( Ozi Rhodes SHIT THE GRID)
Alamat : Komlek Kapad Sriwijaya VII / 57 Cimahi
Alamat Workshop : Jl.Simpang no :15 Cimahi
Prestasi :
- Juara 1 Matik FFA Drag Bike Brigif Bandung 2011
- Juara 2 Matik 200cc Drag Bike Brigif Bandung 2011
- Juara 2 Matik 200cc Achiles Bandung 2011
- Juara 3 155cc 2 tak Drag Bike Brigif Bandung 2015
Gabung juga di Grup I B L J Komunitas Drag Bike Indonesia
Berita terkait :
Koleksi Gambar Modifikasi Sepeda Motor Honda Grand
Bagaimana otomania otomotif motortrends semua, gambar-gambar Modifikasi Motor Honda Grand diatas membuat kita teringat masa lalu tentang motor Honda Grand.
Vixion 2012 Terbaru dengan Fairing Tampak Sporty
tag: Vixion Terbaru 2012
Modif Vixion Model NINJA 250cc
Untuk modifikasi ini memang kita khususkan buat vixion lover hahahaha kalau buat motor seperti ini biayanya bisa buat beli ninja, mending ngak vixionnya ngak usah di modif beli aja motor ninja, oke segitu dulu semoga informasinya bermanfaat untuk memberikan inspirasi mas bro.
Sok Depan : Upside Down Aprilia 125
Ban Depan : Batlax 120
Ban Belakang : Batlax 160
Rem Depan Double Cakram :Nissin
Rem Belakang : Satria FU Full Set (ori)
Pelek : RGV Super lebar dpn 3.5 inci blkng 4.5 inci
Knalpot : yoshimura
Lampu Depan : Custom
Lampu Belakang : Custom
Cakram Depan : Dobel PSM
Body : NINJA 250 CC Full Custom
Lengan Ayun Belakang : Custom Gede Kokoh
Foot Step : Underbone
Spion : VARIASI Ninja 250 cc
Hand Grip : Kitaco
Could Hackers Take Over Your Car?
Chris Valasek and Charlie Miller received an $80,000 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) grant to explore just what hacklers could do if they gained control of a car. Using a Ford Escape and Toyota Prius, the pair demonstrated for Forbes what their hacks could do to a car, including causing brake failure, blasting the horn and even turning the wheel.
While that sounds terrifying, in order to do it, Valasek and Miller had to physically connect their computers to the cars. NPR reports that while both Ford and Toyota take the research seriously, the companies point out that most people would notice if a hacker wired a computer to their car. However, other researchers have been able to enter a car's computer system remotely.
The New York Times reported in March 2011 that researchers from the University of Washington and the University of California, San Diego, had gained remote access to various car systems. Though the team didn't show they could wreak the kind of havoc Valasek and Miller did, the Times writes, "Because many of today’s cars contain cellular connections and Bluetooth wireless technology, it is possible for a hacker, working from a remote location, to take control of various features — like the car locks and brakes — as well as to track the vehicle’s location, eavesdrop on its cabin and steal vehicle data, the researchers said. They described a range of potential compromises of car security and safety."
Even though researchers have shown that they can gain access to cars, the odds of tonight's commute turning into hacker-orchestrated chaos are low. Jalopnik points out that hacking more than one car at once is a much taller order than just taking control of one.
If you're concerned about someone hacking your car, you can avoid it by driving an older car with limited electronic systems. Of course, that means giving up features like antilock brakes, air bags, stability control and traction control. All of those features have been proven to lower the risk of being in an accident, while the real-world risk of being hacked hasn't been fully proven yet.
Modifikasi Revo Absolut Ceper
Merambah ke sektor bodi, dikelir kontras hasil kawinan oranye dan putih, komplit dengan pin strip hitam serta logo RCS atau Rungkut Custom Surabaya, sebagai modifikator. Bidang head lamp turut dimainkan, ditutup fiber serta tambahan grill mengcover head lamp yang dismoke merah. Kalau bidang stop lamp, bagian sein yang dikelir putih dan dipermanis behel Supra-X 125.
Penempatan indikator juga dirancang modis, rumah speedo ditutup fiber dan dicetak sebagai dudukan takometer dan amperemeter milik Moto-R. Perangkat akseso lainnya, ada steering dumper, oil cooler dan sekring mobil yang ditanam di atas cover penutup centerbone
Pelek : DBS 140-17 & 160-17 ; Cakram depan belakang : Ride It ; Caliper : Racing ; Tromol : Trusty ; Sok depan : Up side down dicustom ; Lengan ayun : Sprint ; Monosok : MX ; Steering dumper : Posh ; Filter karbu : Koso ; Sekring digital : Variasi ; Behel : Supra-X 125 ; Takometer : Moto-R ; Baut : Full monel ; Body paint
Modifikasi Jupiter Z Keren dari Motor Plus
Bagian ujung arm di belakang juga ditempeli semacam penutup. Warnanya juga merah. Secara harmonisasi, mengikuti warna per tadi. Ini rupayanya Kadek Agus ingin membuat motor ini meskipun terlihat heboh tapi warna yang dipakai tidak terlalu banyak. Cukup mempertahankan kontras antara kuning dan merah.
Coba perhatikan warna kaliper, handgrip, footstep depan dan belakang sampai disc brake. Semuanya merah, sehingga harmonis.
Ban: Swallow 60/80-17
Sok: Combiz
Knalpot: Nobi
Footstep: Bungbon
Dilanjut dengan laburan Blinken warna merah pada sekujur bodi mengentalkan aura red devil.
Ban depan : Bridgestone 120/60-17
Ban belakang : Bridgestone 190/60-17
Pelek depan : B-King 3.5 inci & 6 inci
Disc : Suzuki B-king
Master rem : Brembo Aprillia
Knalpot : Hand made
Setang : Hand made
WP : 0815-4888- 6755
Rabu, 29 Juli 2015
Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Jupiter Z New
Nahhh di atas ada sebagian untuk jupiter z racing modifikasi alias motor buat drag kalau pun agan tertari modifikasi seperti di atas silahkan saja semoga sukses dan berhasil.? Drag Terbaru modifikasi Racing